I meant for this to be posted yesterday but the beautiful weather was calling.....Al and I loaded up the dogs and headed to Huntington Beach. We met up with Andy and Kellie and Uriah for a lovely walk along the beach. It was the perfect way to enjoy a perfect day!
Unfortunately, I forgot my camera and the people with phones fell down on their picture taking job so I have no pictures to share just really good memories. :)
I just can't get enough of the Summer Fresh collection so I used it for this week's Happy Heart Wisdom
This passage means so much to me.
The Word of the Lord holds true, and we
can trust everything He does.
I think about all the times when my faith has been tested by circumstances and uncertainty. God has always been there for me. In my experience my faith in God has never been in vain. We are being tested now. We've jumped into the world of the self-employed after many years of steady paychecks. We are "working without a net" as we like to say.
Looking back I realize that every time we have taken that first step of faith to follow His lead, even if it feels like that first step is taking us right off the edge of the cliff, God has been there to catch us. We have been blessed over the years when we have made the hard financial decisions, the ones that sometimes make no sense to others: the job changes, our decision to have me stay home with our sons, years later leaving my job so we could be foster parents for our nieces. None of these decisions came at a good time financially, but they were in God's timing and we always ended up in a better place than we were before.
I know I can trust God because He wants what is for my good. His unfailing love fills the earth, it surrounds me and reminds me that He can be trusted. He has never let me down before; I
know He won't let me down now.
My prayer is that you will know the unfailing love of God, that you will know and trust in Him!