Golden Glow Rose. This is one of my newest additions.
I'm sorry I missed posting yesterday, but I was working in the yard all day. Our old sprinkler system needed to be replaced to update it for the new garden design. My dear friends Sue and Ernie were here all weekend, truth be told they are in the backyard even now as Ernie is finishing the sprinkler hook up. Praise God for good friends.

Sue planting a pot with help from Digby

Ernie taking a break with Tia
Saturday we got a start on the digging and bought all the sprinkler parts, Sunday was the heavy digging day with all hands on deck. At one point it was suggested we rent a ditch witch trencher, to which my hubby replied, "I'll go wake up my Ditch Witch". One more reason why I'm happy to have Ben home. He finished the work in half the time it would have taken us old folks. That was how Ben celebrated his E A S day. (End of active service in the Marine Corps) Today and for the next four years, he is inactive reserve status.
When Sue and I started working on my yard this past May it was a large weed infested dusty landscape. It's starting to take shape with the first phase almost complete. I will occasionally post about the progress that is being made to transform my yard.

This is my proof that I can do manual labor. Five years ago this would not have been possible due to multiple herniated disks. Surgery four years ago gave me a new lease on life! I am very grateful.

Ben to the rescue! He finished the digging in no time. Must be all that Marine Corps training. He was not pleased that I took this picture.

Digby offers some advice on digging.

Tia offers some encouragement and gets a little scratch.

Cherry Parfait Rose
Thought for the day: Be joyful in hope, patient in trouble and keep on praying; Romans 12:12.
Good advice no matter what the situation.
Blessings to All!